Red Hat Services Management and Automation (RH358)

Course code: RH358

Red Hat Services Management and Automation (RH358) is designed for IT professionals with some experience managing Linux® systems and want to learn more about how to manage and deploy network services included with Red Hat® Enterprise Linux which are particularly important in the modern IT data center. You will learn how to install, configure, and manage basic configurations of these services manually, and then use Red Hat Ansible® Engine to automate your work in a scalable, repeatable manner.

2 699 EUR

3 266 EUR including VAT

The earliest date from 28.04.2025

Selection of dates
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Course dates

Starting date: 28.04.2025

Type: Virtual

Course duration: 5 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 3 175 EUR


Starting date: 28.07.2025

Type: Virtual

Course duration: 5 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 3 175 EUR


Starting date: Upon request

Type: In-person/Virtual

Course duration: 5 days

Language: en/cz

Price without VAT: 3 175 EUR


Starting date: Upon request

Type: Self-paced

Course duration: 90 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 2 699 EUR


Type Course
Language Price without VAT
28.04.2025 Virtual 5 days en 3 175 EUR Register
28.07.2025 Virtual 5 days en 3 175 EUR Register
Upon request In-person/Virtual 5 days en/cz 3 175 EUR Register
Upon request Self-paced 90 days en 2 699 EUR Register
G Guaranteed course

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Course description

Red Hat Services Management and Automation (RH358) is designed for IT professionals with some experience managing Linux® systems and want to learn more about how to manage and deploy network services included with Red Hat® Enterprise Linux which are particularly important in the modern IT data center. You will learn how to install, configure, and manage basic configurations of these services manually, and then use Red Hat Ansible® Engine to automate your work in a scalable, repeatable manner.

Target group

Linux system administrators, site reliability engineers, and other IT professionals with some Ansible experience who are interested in learning how to manage and automate the deployment, configuration, and operation of key network services included with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Course structure

  • Provide key network services using software included with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, including DNS with Unbound and BIND9, DHCP and DHCPv6, client e-mail transmission, printing service, NFS and SMB protocol file sharing, SQL database service with MariaDB, and web services using Apache HTTPD, nginx, Varnish, and HAProxy.
  • Configure advanced networking for server use cases, including device teaming.
  • Use Red Hat Ansible Engine to automate the manual deployment and configuration tasks covered in this course.


Be a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, or demonstrate equivalent skills in Linux system administration and Ansible automation.

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