Educate yourself and excel in the job market

Get an 82 to 100% education grant from the Ministry of Labor.


Project of The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic has decided to support those who want to improve their position on the labor market. At EDU Trainings, we have become part of this project and thanks to this you can complete our courses with a contribution of 82 % (max. 50,000 CZK).

Who is this project for?

The range of courses is available to anyone who is interested in learning to improve their position on the labor market. You can work, run a business, study, look for a job, or be on parental leave. All you have to do is choose a course and fill in everything you need in the application form. The Labor Office will contribute to your course in whole or in part. For each course, you can see how much of the amount you pay and how much the Labor Office pays.

How can you apply for our courses through this program?

You can choose courses according to your needs and interests. With many courses, you also have the opportunity to gain a globally recognized certification that will benefit you in your job search. Most courses take place online from the comfort of your home and last 1-5 days.

  1. Choose from the current course offer, log in via personal data box or Citizen Identity and simply fill in and submit the application. If the application is complete, you can complete everything online and you do not need to go to the Labor Office branch. The Labor Office will continuously inform you about everything by email or in your account on the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs portal.
  2. We will approve the application and then also the Labor Office.
  3. After the application has been approved by the Labor Office, you will see a confirmation in your account on the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs portal with information on the amount and terms of payment from the Labor Office.
  4. You take the course.
  5. Upon successful completion of the course, you will find a course completion certificate on the Ministry of Internal Affairs portal. If you meet all the conditions, the Labor Office will pay a contribution of up to 50,000. CZK (maximum total amount for a period of 3 years).

Note: If you do not meet all the conditions, you will have to pay the invoice in full yourself.

Subsidies for companies in Czech Republic

THE MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC has launched a new project called “NPO – Digi POVEZ”, through which you as a company can apply for a financial subsidy for the education of your employees. The subsidy applies only to courses in the field of information technology and Industry 4.0.

For a subsidy can apply: 

  • business corporation,
  • self-employed persons,
  • state and national enterprises,
  • legal entities established by special law performing business activities,
  • non-governmental non-profit organization,
  • municipality, region and voluntary union of municipalities,
  • ecclesiastical legal entity,
  • contributory organizations of territorial self-governing units,
  • professional, business and trade union associations and unions,
  • employer and trade unions,
  • association of citizens,
  • association of enterprises,
  • interest associations of legal entities,
  • associations,
  • Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic,
  • professional chambers,
  • unions of production and consumer cooperatives,
  • cooperatives.

Subsidies cannot participate:

  • entities that received public support in projects within the framework of thematic challenges focused on education in companies,
  • schools and school facilities,
  • entities that are organizational components of the state and state contribution organizations,
  • employees who forge work on the basis of a work execution agreement,
  • employees who are not citizens of EU member states.

Course length:

The minimum length of the educational program is 16 hours and the maximum is 80 hours.

Amount of contributions:

The wage allowance is in the amount of 272.13 CZK per man-hour.

The education allowance is in the amount of 263.98 CZK per man-hour.

The subsidy is paid on the basis of submitted documents after the end of the educational program.

It is possible to apply for the subsidy from April 2024 to September 2025 online through the web application at

If you have any questions or need help with the entire process, please contact us at

Current offer of courses

If you do not find the technical course you are interested in here, contact us and we will add the course to the program.

CompTIA courses

If you have any questions, we recommend going through the frequently asked questions or contacting us at Do you live in Slovakia? A similar program is there as well!

Project of The Center for Labor of Slovakia 

The national project “Zručnosti pre trh práce” is an initiative of the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR). The project provides targeted training opportunities for employees who want to improve their skills in different areas. This project is a great opportunity to get a job in the IT sector, which has potential in the labour market. Choose from our offer and get up to 100% training allowance through the Skills for the Labour Market project.

Who is this project intended for?

The project is intended for job seekers who are either employed (ZoZ) or registered at the Labour Office as unemployed (UoZ) and want to improve their position on the labour market.

  • People who need new knowledge to do their job
  • People who want to improve their position in the labour market and gain new knowledge
  • People who want to change jobs where they will need new knowledge
  • People who are registered as unemployed with the Job Centre

How to choose courses?

Participants can choose courses according to their needs and interests. With many courses, you also have the opportunity to obtain a globally recognized certification that will benefit you in your job search. Most courses take place online from the comfort of your home and last 1-5 days. For quick equipment, we recommend choosing primarily from the guaranteed courses that you can find here.

  • The application for the grant must be submitted to the Office for Employment and Social Affairs no later than 30 days before the start of the course.
  • UoZ (non-employed) will have their training courses reimbursed in full
  • ZoZ (employed) will have their training courses reimbursed at 80%

How can I apply for our IT courses through this program?

  • Choose one of the guaranteed courses or see other courses from our offer, choose a course date (which will start in 60 days at the earliest) and contact us.
  • Fill in the ŽIADOSŤ O POSKYTNUTIE PRÍSPEVKU NA PODPORU VZDELÁVANIA as ZoZ (employed) or UoZ (unemployed).
  • We will send you a second document, the POTVRDENIE POSKYTOVATEĽA VZDELÁVANIA O ZABEZPEČENÍ VZDELÁVANIA, to complete your application.
  • You can submit your complete application to the labour office in your place of residence in person, by mail or electronically via the electronic mailbox.
  • ÚPSVaR will contact you. If the contribution is approved, you will sign the Agreement with the Labor Office and receive an educational voucher, which you will send to us by e-mail.
  • We will register you for the course, send an invitation by e-mail with access data, and you can complete the course.
  • After successful completion of the course, we will issue you a Course Completion Certificate, which you will present to the Labor Office together with the invoice from us. The invoice is issued by the educational agency in the name of the participant, but the payment for the course will be made directly from the account of the Labor Office to the account of the educational agency. In the Agreement with the Labor Office, the course participant authorizes the Labor Office that the payment can be made in this way. The condition for reimbursement of 100% of the course amount is successful completion of the course.

More information about this program can be found for ZoZ (employed) here and for UoZ (unemployed) here. We hope this project will help you start your IT journey and we will see you soon on the courses. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:

Subsidies for companies in Slovakia

As part of the national project of the Center for Labour, Social Affairs and Family “Support for the development of employee skills“, you as a company can receive a financial contribution for the education of your employees in the value of up to EUR 150,000.

The goal of the project is to support the education of the employer’s employees, related to the creation of new jobs and the maintenance of existing jobs.

The authorized applicant for the provision of a contribution within the project is the employer in accordance with § 3 of the Act on Employment Services.

An eligible employee is any employee who, on the date of submitting the application, is employed, or in a similar employment relationship (except for employees working on a work performance agreement, an agreement on work activities, an agreement on part-time student work).

Education can be carried out exclusively in a face-to-face format and completed no later than 31.10.2024.

The application must be submitted to the relevant Labor Office by August 31, 2024.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

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