Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman (DO188)

Course code: DO188

A developer introduction to building and managing containers with Podman for deploying applications on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman (DO188) introduces students to building, running, and managing containers with Podman and Red Hat OpenShift. This course helps students build the core skills for developing containerized applications through hands-on experience. These skills can be applied using all versions of OpenShift, including Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA), Azure Red Hat OpenShift, and OpenShift Container Platform.

1 619 EUR

1 959 EUR including VAT

The earliest date from 29.07.2024

Selection of dates
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Course dates

Starting date: 29.07.2024

Place : Praha

Type: In-person

Course duration: 3 days

Language: cz/sk

Price without VAT: 1 905 EUR

Starting date: 14.10.2024

Place : Praha

Type: In-person

Course duration: 3 days

Language: cz/sk

Price without VAT: 1 905 EUR


Starting date: 21.10.2024


Type: Virtual

Course duration: 4 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 1 905 EUR


Starting date: 11.11.2024

Type: Virtual

Course duration: 4 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 1 905 EUR


Starting date: 02.12.2024

Type: Virtual

Course duration: 4 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 1 905 EUR


Starting date: 31.03.2025

Type: Virtual

Course duration: 4 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 1 905 EUR


Starting date: Upon request

Type: In-person/Virtual

Course duration: 3 days

Language: en/cz

Price without VAT: 1 905 EUR


Starting date: Upon request

Type: Self-paced

Course duration: 90 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 1 619 EUR


Type Course
Language Price without VAT
29.07.2024 Praha In-person 3 days cz/sk 1 905 EUR
14.10.2024 Praha In-person 3 days cz/sk 1 905 EUR Register
G 21.10.2024 Virtual 4 days en 1 905 EUR Register
11.11.2024 Virtual 4 days en 1 905 EUR Register
02.12.2024 Virtual 4 days en 1 905 EUR Register
31.03.2025 Virtual 4 days en 1 905 EUR Register
Upon request In-person/Virtual 3 days en/cz 1 905 EUR Register
Upon request Self-paced 90 days en 1 619 EUR Register
G Guaranteed course

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Target group

Course structure

  • Introduction to containers
  • Run containers with Podman CLI and Podman Desktop
  • Build custom container images
  • Manage container images
  • Remote debugging with containers
  • Basic container networking
  • Persist data with containers
  • Run multi-container applications
  • Troubleshoot Container Deployments
  • Orchestrate containers with OpenShift and Kubernetes
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