Course description
- Create VMs from installation media and disk images.
- Access text and graphical consoles of a VM.
- Connect to VMs using Kubernetes networking (services, ingress, and routes)
- Provision storage to VMs using Kubernetes storage (PVC, PV, and storage classes).
- Start, pause, and stop VMs.
- Clone and snapshot VMs.
- Connect VMs to external and extra networks (outside of the Kubernetes pod and service networks).
- Connect VMs to host storage and external storage.
- Ansible management of VMs.
- Create VMs from VM Templates.
Impact on the organization
OpenShift Virtualization allows organizations to realize operational savings by managing virtualized workloads and containerized workloads together using the same orchestration and clustering infrastructure provided by Red Hat OpenShift.
Deploying Virtual Machines (VMs) on OpenShift also eases integration of traditional server-based applications with more modern cloud-native applications and their supporting practices such as CI/CD, DevOps, and SRE to take advantage of quicker time-to-market and other benefits from these practices, without having to first redesign virtualized workloads as container-native workloads.
Impact on the individual
IT professionals will learn to deploy and manage virtualized workloads on OpenShift and manage these workloads using both traditional ways, such as SSH and Ansible, and also modern DevOps practices, such as GitOps and CI/CD