8. 2. 2021
Is the IT world something incomprehensible and impenetrable to you? Do you not understand the abbreviations your IT colleagues use? The world of zeros and ones is not as complicated as it seems. We IT people are also human with our needs and motivations. Come and see. You’ll also see what can happen when a person is overconnected. The last time I raced to meet all my digital comitments, I ended up with a stroke in a hospital at the age of 29. Or do you avoid all technology and would rather cut off and get disconnected? Do you know how to do it? Is it even possible today? What is better? Using technology or being offline? We will get answers to these questions and together we will look into the IT world. You will see how it works, you will get instructions on how to work successfully with IT guys. But let’s talk about the flip side as well – how to disconnect. You will get quite a few specific tips and tricks on how to maintain digital balance in our online times.
On April 22, 2021 from 14:00 to 15:30 (expected end) in English
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Lukáš Barda grew up in the world of technology and helps to create it by himself. At 29, he got a stroke from overwork, and it forced him to rearrange their priorities in life. He went through a digital detox, found his lost balance and today he helps people and shows them how to live with technology. Or without them. He has already been able to connect the world of IT and non-IT for a thousand individuals and for dozens of large companies.