29. 4. 2020
We are very pleased that we can reopen our PersonVue test center from 4. 5.. From 11 May, we will open the entire educational center, where the teaching of classroom courses will begin.
We look forward to reopening and hope you do too. The health of you and our employees is our number one priority, so we ask you to strictly follow the rules below:
Classroom courses will have only half the occupancy capacity so that each participant sits alone on a bench. It will be mandatory to wear a veil throughout the training. Disinfection is available in sufficient quantities in all areas. Staff and instructors will also be equipped with drapes and other protective equipment.
If you are worried about classroom courses, you can use our offer of online courses.
Testing room will be occupied by only 1 person during the testing. All participants will receive latex gloves from the test administrators. It is of course possible to change gloves. The test participant is obliged to pass the veil test in order to protect the health of himself and the employees of EDU Trainings. Based on the testing conditions set by the provider, it is essential that it is really a veil (cotton or medical), but not a scarf or shawl.
In case of any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at edu@edutrainings.cz. We will be happy to answer all your questions.
We look forward to you.