Course structure
- Course logistics.
- Overview of Foundation SAS.
Getting Started with SAS
- Introduction to SAS programs.
- Submitting a SAS program.
Working with SAS Syntax
- Mastering fundamental concepts.
- Diagnosing and correcting syntax errors.
Getting Familiar with SAS Data Sets
- Examining descriptor and data portions.
- Accessing SAS data libraries.
- Accessing relational databases (self-study).
Reading SAS Data Sets
- Introduction to reading data.
- Using SAS data as input.
- Subsetting observations and variables.
- Adding permanent attributes.
Reading Microsoft Excel Worksheets
- Using Excel data as input.
- Doing more with Excel worksheets (self-study).
Reading Delimited Raw Data Files
- Using standard delimited data as input.
- Using nonstandard delimited data as input.
Validating and Cleaning Data
- Introduction to validating and cleaning data.
- Examining data errors when reading raw data files.
- Validating data with the PRINT and FREQ procedures.
- Validating data with the MEANS and UNIVARIATE procedures.
- Cleaning invalid data.
Manipulating Data
- Creating variables.
- Creating variables conditionally.
- Subsetting observations.
Combining SAS Data Sets
- Introduction to combining data sets.
- Appending a data set (self-study).
- Concatenating data sets.
- Merging data sets one to one.
- Merging data sets one to many.
- Merging data sets with nonmatches.
Enhancing Reports
- Using global statements.
- Adding labels and formats.
- Creating user-defined formats.
- Subsetting and grouping observations.
- Directing output to external files.
Producing Summary Reports
- Using the FREQ procedure.
- Using the MEANS procedure.
- Using the TABULATE procedure (self-study).
Introduction to Graphics Using SAS/GRAPH (Self-Study)
- Creating bar and pie charts.
- Creating plots.
- Enhancing output.
Controlling Input and Output
- Writing observations explicitly.
- Writing to multiple SAS data sets.
- Selecting variables and observations.
Summarizing Data
- Creating an accumulating total variable.
- Accumulating totals for a group of data.
Reading Raw Data Files
- Reading raw data files with formatted input.
- Controlling when a record loads.
Data Transformations
- Manipulating character values.
- Manipulating numeric values.
- Converting variable type.
Debugging Techniques
- Using the PUTLOG statement.
Processing Data Iteratively
- DO-loop processing.
- Conditional DO-loop processing.
- SAS array processing.
- Using SAS arrays.
Restructuring a Data Set
- Rotating with the DATA step.
Combining SAS Data Sets
- Using data manipulation techniques with match-merging.
Creating and Maintaining Permanent Formats
- Creating permanent formats.
Other SAS Languages
- Overview of other languages.
- Using the SQL procedure.
- Using SAS macro language.
Learning More
- SAS resources.
- Next steps.