Course structure
Lesson 1: Course Overview
- Introduce the course overview, agenda, and logistics
- List the available SMAX courses
- Launch the Digital Learning course
- Access the lab environment
Lesson 2: Records Management –
Studio Capability
- Explain the administrative operations
- Navigate to the studio area
- Explore the different studio features
- Explain different types of fields and form
- Configure fields and forms
- Manage processes and business rules of a particular record type
- Explain email notifications
- Brand the notifications as required
Lesson 3: Additional Studio
- Understand governance approvals
- Build an approval definition
- Manage to import data of different record types
- Manage to export data from different record types
- Understand about localization
- Export a record type data, translate the required values into a language of your choice
- Import the translations
- Configure custom actions
- Manage Service Level target settings
- Create custom applications and record type
- Explain the different types of list
- Create a list
Lesson 4: Service Portal
- Access the service portal settings area.
- Understand how to configure service portal theme settings
- Explain category tiles
- Customize the service portal
- Understand service portal feature settings
Lesson 5: Applications settings, smart analytics settings customization, and routing definitions
- Navigate the application settings area
- Explain the different default application settings available
- Navigate the Smart Analytics settings area
- Customize smart ticket and smart search
- Understand routing definitions
Lesson 6: User Management
- Access the People area
- Administer people records
- Understand the difference between users and contacts
- Explain the different types of groups
- Manage user groups
- Explore the different roles and permission settings available
- Configure roles and permissions
- Understand the relationship between people and roles
- Manage locations
- Organize categories and sub-categories
Lesson 7: Data Security
- Manage entitlement rules
- Explain the encryption domains
Lesson 8: Package Management
- Access the package manager for configuration data synchronization
- Export configuration data
- Simulate an import
- View and analyze imported sample data
- Explain how to debug issues