Course structure
Lesson 1: Course Overview
- Introduce the course overview, agenda, and logistics
- List the available SMAX courses
- Launch the Digital Learning course
- Access the lab environment
Lesson 2: Service Catalog
- Explain the SMAX architecture overview
- Explore the Service Catalog module
- Explain the service catalog relationship with the SACM model
- Explore the service catalog hierarchy
- Create a service catalog category
- Create a service definition
- Create a service offering and explain governance approvals
- Create a human resource offering
- Understand private and confidential requests.
- Learn about human resource knowledge articles and additional configuration for the HR application
- Create a bundle offering
- Understand and create a fulfillment plan
- Learn about approval plan, task plan, automated/manual
task, user options, and default values.
- Use expression language for defining conditions
- Understand approval strategy
Lesson 3: Service Level
- Access the Service level Management area
- Explore service level management structure
- Explain the dynamic selection of SLA
- Understand time periods
- Create a new holiday and work schedule
- Explain service level target by target type, duration, and records type
- Create a new service level target set and update target definitions
- Create a support agreement
- Create a service agreement
- Create an operational level agreement
- Understand OLA priority grouping toggle
Lesson 4: Knowledge Management
- Access the knowledge management area
- Explain knowledge management architecture
- Explain knowledge articles
- Understand proactive suggested solutions and module integration
- Explore global search of articles
- Create an article model
- Explain article management – Workflow phases, audience for article content visibility, audience to restrict articles, article localization, and indexing.
- Create a new article
- Review, modify and preview a knowledge article.
- Publish and consume a knowledge article
- Archive a knowledge article
Lesson 5: IT News, Q&A, and Hot
Topic Analytics
- Navigate the knowledge management area
- Explain different knowledge components – IT news, Q&A, and hot topic analytics
- Define and publish IT news (Hot news)
- Explain ask and help friends.
- Manage, and moderate questions and answers from users
- Explore the hot topic area and refine the results of the hot
topic map.
- Understand hot topic algorithm, manage stop list
- Analyze the service portal knowledge searches
- Create a catalog offering from a hot topic user question.
- Create a knowledge article from a hot topic support request
Lesson 6: Survey and On-Call
- Access the Survey Management area
- Explain about Survey Management module
- Set up a new survey
- Prepare a survey for execution
- Understand survey reports
- Understand different ways to conduct a survey – sending a survey manually or sending a survey automatically using a business rule
- Explore hot topic analytics in survey management
- Access On-call schedule management area
- Set up agent schedule, vacation for a functional group with group members
- Understand about on-call rotation
- Set up an assignment strategy for a functional group
- Manage notifications at the agent level
Lesson 7: Idea and Proposal
- Access idea and proposal management area
- Explain hot ideas in the self-service portal and agent interface
- Create a new idea
- Understand business objectives and resource types
- Explain proposal management
- Create a new proposal
- Explore budget, financial planning, and resources for the proposal
- Use proposal analytics to analyze proposal data
Lesson 8: Project and Program
- Access project and program management area
- Explore the overall status of the projects, programs, and the portfolios
- Navigate and describe the executive summary dashboard
- Explain project management
- Create, plan, and execute a project
- Understand the resource demand, timeline, financial planning, risks, and issues required to run a project
- Explain program management
- Initiate, plan and execute a program
- Understand the resource demand, timeline, financial planning, risks, and issues required to run a program
- Explain project portfolio management
- Create and edit a project portfolio
- Learn about project optimization scenarios
- Explore the Gantt chart for optimization, cost and resource charts, and key statistical data.
- Set constraints and optimize the results to save the scenario
Lesson 9: Application Portfolio
- Access application portfolio management area
- Explain application portfolio management features
- Create and edit an application record
- Learn about application attributes – contents, roadmaps, and data analysis
- Create and edit portfolio record
- Learn about portfolio attributes – contents, roadmaps, and data analysis
- Create an optimization record
- Learn about optimization attributes – surveys, data collection, optimization type, optimization process, and optimization report
- Review the optimization record details using the survey results received from the application owners
- Understand the relationship of proposals with optimization record.