2 – 2-5700 – LoadRunner Enterprise (LRE) Essentials

Course code: 225700LRE

This course introduces students to the LoadRunner 2020 application. The course covers topics about the Virtual User Generator (VuGen), Controller, and Analysis tools. This course is designed to give you a foundation in basic load testing tasks. You create and run load test scenarios using the Controller. The Analysis tool is used to analyze load test results, and you learn to work with the graphs to display data after a test is executed.

The hands-on labs are designed to provide you with the knowledge necessary to create scripts in VuGen, execute scenarios in the Controller, and view the results in the Analysis tool. The course consists of focused, task-oriented lectures, text, and a series of detailed hands-on labs to teach the course material to the student.

The hands-on labs use version 2020 of the software

2 376 EUR

2 875 EUR including VAT

The earliest date from 09.06.2025

Selection of dates
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+420 731 175 867 edu@edutrainings.cz

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Course dates

Starting date: 09.06.2025

Type: Virtual

Course duration: 3 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 2 376 EUR


Starting date: 10.11.2025

Type: Virtual

Course duration: 3 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 2 376 EUR


Starting date: Upon request

Type: In-person/Virtual

Course duration: 3 days

Language: en/cz

Price without VAT: 2 376 EUR


Type Course
Language Price without VAT
09.06.2025 Virtual 3 days en 2 376 EUR Register
10.11.2025 Virtual 3 days en 2 376 EUR Register
Upon request In-person/Virtual 3 days en/cz 2 376 EUR Register
G Guaranteed course

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Target group

  • Quality Assurance and Performance Engineers
  • Users of LoadRunner who need to create scripts to load test their web applications
  • Executives involved in any aspect of the load testing process
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