Introduction to machine learning

Course code: MLIML

This course is intended for beginners who have no or limited experience with machine learning and want to do their first steps in this field. The participants will learn what machine learning is, what types of ML are the most typical in practical applications and how the basic algorithms work. We are not going to sink into mathematical formulas or complex proofs.  Instead, we will focus on an intuitive understanding of the principles, which are necessary for the ability to design machine learning models.

The course covers the introduction to classification, regression, clustering, and practical basics of artificial neural networks in Python.

425 EUR

514 EUR including VAT

The earliest date from 31.03.2025

Selection of dates
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Course dates

Starting date: 31.03.2025

Type: In-person/Virtual

Course duration: 2 days

Language: cz/sk

Price without VAT: 425 EUR


Starting date: 10.06.2025

Type: In-person/Virtual

Course duration: 2 days

Language: cz/sk

Price without VAT: 425 EUR


Starting date: Upon request

Type: In-person/Virtual

Course duration: 2 days

Language: en/cz

Price without VAT: 425 EUR


Type Course
Language Price without VAT
31.03.2025 In-person/Virtual 2 days cz/sk 425 EUR Register
10.06.2025 In-person/Virtual 2 days cz/sk 425 EUR Register
Upon request In-person/Virtual 2 days en/cz 425 EUR Register
G Guaranteed course

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Course structure

Day 1

  • What is machine learning?
  • Types of machine learning (classification, regression, ranking, reinforcement learning, clustering, anomaly detection, recommendation, optimization)
  • Data preparation (train, test and validation data sets, imbalanced and noisy data)
  • Classification model evaluation (accuracy, precision, recall, confusion matrix, ROC, AUC)
  • Basic algorithms for classification (baseline models, Naïve Bayes Classifier, Logistic regression, Support Vector Machines, decision trees, ensemble models)
  • Quick Scikit-Learn tutorial (how to load and transform data, training models, predicting values, model pipelines and evaluation)
  • Practical classification task
  • Basic algorithms for regression (analytical methods, gradient descent, SVR, regression trees)

Day 2

  • Basic algorithms for clustering (K-means, hierarchical clustering)
  • Practical clustering task
  • Introduction to artificial neural networks (why they are so popular, what their advantages and disadvantages are, perceptron neural network)
  • Most frequently used activation functions (Sigmoid, Linear, Tanh, Relu, Softmax)
  • Multi-Layer neural networks (back propagation algorithm, stochastic gradient descent, convolution, pooling, regularizations)
  • Quick tutorial to Keras (sequential models, optimizers, training, data workflow)
  • Practical classification and regression tasks using neural networks


  • Basic knowledge of programing in Python
  • High school level of mathematics

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Follow-up courses

Machine Learning BootCamp cz/sk en/cz

Vendor: EDU Trainings

Area: Machine Learning

Price from

930 EUR without VAT

Convolutional neural networks and image processing cz/sk en/cz

Vendor: EDU Trainings

Area: Machine Learning

Price from

210 EUR without VAT

Natural Language Processing cz/sk en/cz

Vendor: EDU Trainings

Area: Machine Learning

Price from

210 EUR without VAT

Time Series Analysis cz/sk en/cz

Vendor: EDU Trainings

Area: Machine Learning

Price from

210 EUR without VAT

Machine Learning with R en/cz

Vendor: EDU Trainings

Area: Machine Learning

Price from

620 EUR without VAT

Data Manipulation and Visualization with R en/cz

Vendor: EDU Trainings

Area: Machine Learning

Price from

620 EUR without VAT

Data modelling in Power BI en/cz

Vendor: EDU Trainings

Area: Machine Learning

Price from

520 EUR without VAT

Interpretable machine learning (R/Python) en/cz

Vendor: EDU Trainings

Area: Machine Learning

Price from

520 EUR without VAT

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