CKS Exam + THRIVE Subscription Bundle

Course code: LFS260B

This course exposes you to knowledge and skills needed to maintain security in dynamic, multi-project environments. This course addresses security concerns for cloud production environments and covers topics related to the security container supply chain, discussing topics from before a cluster has been configured through deployment, and ongoing, as well as agile use, including where to find ongoing security and vulnerability information. The course includes hands-on labs to build and secure a Kubernetes cluster, as well as monitor and log security events.

Obtaining a CKS demonstrates a candidate possesses the requisite abilities to secure container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms during build, deployment and runtime, and is qualified to perform these tasks in a professional setting.

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Course dates

Starting date: Upon request

Type: Self-paced

Course duration: 365 days

Language: en

Price without VAT: 620 EUR


Type Course
Language Price without VAT
Upon request Self-paced 365 days en 620 EUR Register
G Guaranteed course

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Target group

A Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) is an accomplished Kubernetes practitioner (must be CKA certified) who has demonstrated competence on a broad range of best practices for securing container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms during build, deployment and runtime.

Course structure

Chapter 1. Course Introduction
Chapter 2. Cloud Security Overview
Chapter 3. Preparing to Install
Chapter 4. Installing the Cluster
Chapter 5. Securing the kube-apiserver
Chapter 6. Networking
Chapter 7. Workload Considerations
Chapter 8. Issue Detection
Chapter 9. Domain Review
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