Course description
On completion of this course, participants should be able to:
• Define and edit a record type’s fields that are derived from the metadata for the record type.
• Edit the out-of-the-box forms defined for each record type.
• Define and edit a record type workflow and run business logic for those records using business rules defined by Expression Language syntax.
• Create and edit notification templates that are pre-formatted email messages.
• Configure notifications to be sent to the relevant recipients at specific points in a record’s workflow through business rules.
• Configure approvals in the approval definition tab for those record types where approvals must be granted at a certain stage in their workflow.
• Import record data for the selected record type in CSV format.
• Import localized data files for the category, service definition, and offering record types.
• Configure custom actions for the selected record type.
• Control the notifications sent for Service Level Target breaches for incidents and requests.
• Describe how to enable global search.
• Manage strong identity validation for the approval task process.
• Create a new application and record type and set the behaviors through the different studio features.