Manažer na cestě k úspěchu
Manažer na cestě k úspěchu

Manager on the way to success

What is the goal?

This training will strengthen the confidence of managers on their journey to successful people management. Participants will learn how to delegate effectively, how to have the right conversations with their subordinates, and the difference between regular and casual conversations. They will learn methods to activate the team with their own energy and discover how to appropriately communicate the change to the team.

Key topics

  • Effective delegation.
  • Conversations with co-workers.
  • Coaching as a style of leading people.
  • Activating your team with your own energy and motivation.
  • What to do when the team is not working as you want.
  • Managerial communication of change.
  • When and how to convey information and how to deal with those who may resist it.

How do we prepare courses?

Step 1

We identify your needs, help you define your training objectives and design a training concept. We work with management, client to develop the program and content.

  • Questionnaire of participant expectations.
  • Discussion with management, their expectations.
  • Mystery shopping – as needed.

Step 2

In the training we make maximum use of and combine or own experience, case studies and model situations with the experience of the participants. According to the needs we combine and choose the forms of training.

  • Workshop format.
  • Interactive training format.
  • Group coaching format.

Step 3

The success of the program is demonstrated by putting the new skills into practice. We work with management in this transformation.

  • Evaluation questionnaires.
  • Final reports.
  • Evaluation meeting with management, client.

Are you interested in a tailor-made course?

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