obrazok_Asertivna komunikacia
obrazok_Asertivna komunikacia

A businessman in practice + solving difficult (conflicting) situations


We will demonstrate and test business techniques and principles that companies and individuals value most and bring results. We will look at your topics and show the solutions on all your specific situations so that you can immediately apply them the next day in practice.

To whom it is intended:

For salespeople, consultants and sales assistants, operators, for team leaders, representatives and heads of sales teams and everyone else who wants to revive or learn business techniques.

Key topics:

  • Salesperson motivation and sales goal setting
  • Finding a suitable way of selling with respect to your personality
  • We will learn to act with regard to the type of customer
  • Build relationship selling
  • Ask the right questions during a sales interview
  • Know your customer and their motivation
  • Focus on selling the utility
  • Conduct successful business negotiations
  • Tools for effective resolution of difficult situations
  • Conflict and how to resolve it

Techniques and tools will be used:

  • Sample model situations
  • Work in pairs, threes and division into teams
  • Active listening and immediate feedback from the lecturer and participants
  • Working with participants’ talents and strengths
  • Solutions to specific real situations of the participants
  • Solution guarantee min. 2 specific situations for each participant
  • Mirroring, coaching and mentoring techniques will also be used

Course dates:

Starting date Place Type Duration Language Price without VAT
17.10.2024 Online Online 9-16 hours CZ 390 EUR per one day and participant

If you are interested in group training or another topic, please do not hesitate to contact us at edu@edutrainings.cz

How do we prepare courses?

Step 1

We identify your needs, help you define your training objectives and design a training concept. We work with management, client to develop the program and content.

  • Questionnaire of participant expectations.
  • Discussion with management, their expectations.
  • Mystery shopping – as needed.

Step 2

In the training we make maximum use of and combine or own experience, case studies and model situations with the experience of the participants. According to the needs we combine and choose the forms of training.

  • Workshop format.
  • Interactive training format.
  • Group coaching format.

Step 3

The success of the program is demonstrated by putting the new skills into practice. We work with management in this transformation.

  • Evaluation questionnaires.
  • Final reports.
  • Evaluation meeting with management, client.

Are you interested in a tailor-made course?

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