27. 5. 2020
EDU Trainings in cooperation with lecturer Ondřej Staněk, prepared a program of modern presentation skills, which consists of three themes (3 x 1/2 day course in Czech language):
During this program you will learn the specifics of presenting in an online environment, how to create engaging visuals and that graphs and tables can be presented in a clear and interesting way. The ability to effectively present yourself will continue to be an extremely important and valued skill in the future. Become one of the first to master this skill. Learn the art of professional virtual presentation.
Courses can be ordered as:
Public courses
Closed courses for customers
We supply a series of online courses as three half-day courses / topics.
1) Virtual presentation
The first part is devoted to the specifics of presenting in an online environment. It focuses on the preparation of the presentation, best practices for working with the audience’s attention, body language and working with the voice. We will talk about interesting programs that will help engage participants and we will also focus on technical equipment for professional presentation and the basic principles of graphic slide creation.
Course content:
2) Visualization of ideas
In a virtual environment where the distraction is a click away, it is extremely important to think about visualizing your thoughts. Slides filled with words do not work and cannot. In this section, we will look at how to work with the audience’s visual attention, and how to create presentations that are lightweight, effective, and attractive for online presentations. Of course, there are practical tasks on which you work under the guidance of a lecturer, and for which you will receive immediate feedback.
Course content:
3) Number visualization
A large part of presentations in the work environment concerns the presentation of data in the form of graphs and tables. In the last part, you will learn how to add data to slides, how to edit tables and how to create aesthetically interesting graphs. We will also look at the creation of schemes and processes. All this taking into account the need to keep the attention of the listeners. Practical tasks are included.
Course content:
As a lecturer and consultant, Ondřej Staněk deals with presentation skills, presentation design and communication. It helps companies that want to present their products and services more effectively, specializes in creating design presentations and presentation templates for multinational companies and individuals.
It also offers its knowledge and experience in the form of consultations to speakers at international and domestic conferences. He also works as a mentor in the Impact Hub network, cooperates with the CzechInvest agency and with the incubator Laboratory of the Vodafone Foundation.
If you have any questions, please contact us at edu@edutrainings.cz.