ITIL® and PRINCE2® certifications are now valid only for 3 years! Then you have to renew them.

23. 1. 2023

PeopleCert, which issues the globally recognized ITIL® and PRINCE2® certifications, is announcing a major change from early 2023. Some of their certifications used to be valid for life, but now all Global Best Practice certifications are only valid for 3 years and then need to be renewed.

What certifications are involved?

When I need to renew my certification?

  • If you received your certification before June 30, 2020, you have until July 1, 2023 to renew your certification, regardless of the specific date of certification.
  • If you passed your certification after June 2020, then you have 3 years to renew it from the date you received your certification.

Candidates who do not renew their certification within 3 years will continue to be on the Successful Candidates Register (SCR), but their record will include a note that the certification does not comply with current requirements.

How can I renew my certification?

  • By taking the same exam that got you certified in the past.
  • By passing another exam in the same field. If you hold, for example, the ITIL® 4 Foundation certification, then by passing any other exam from the ITIL® family, you will renew this certification.
  • Collect and record CPD points. We will inform about further details of this journey after the statement of PeopleCert.

If you have any questions about how to ensure that your certification is still valid, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ITIL® and PRINCE2® are registered trademark of AXELOS Limited, used with permission from AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

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