9. 7. 2019
Knowledge of ISO standards can help innovate and increase labor productivity, improve business performance and also make people’s everyday lives easier and safer. The standards may concern production, procedural self-judge, provision of services or supplies of materials, a wide range of activities of companies as well as activities delivered to customers.
In our ISO training you can find several types of courses ranked according to thematic areas.
ISO/IEC 27002 Lead Manager
It is a set of best practices in the field of security and is part of the ISO 27000 family. It defines 114 sub-measures divided into 14 areas
to improve information security within ISMS (Information Security Management System).
If you are interested in this training, take advantage of the possibility of registration:
We can also offer you the opportunity to receive Virtual Course.
Why choose Virtual Course?
On-line training offers time and money savings. Employees receive training from the comfort of their chosen location at a time that suits them. The costs of complicated organization
of training and transportation of employees and trainers are no longer needed. For employees, this form of training is much more attractive (pictures, interactions, case-study…) than classic classroom training.