20. 7. 2021
Pearson VUE, a company with years of experience in testing IT professionals, has released the results of their most recent study, the 2021 Value of Certification report. This study examined the data from 29,000 respondents who earned certifications and passed certification exams over the past year. The resulting data shows that certifications are growing in importance across the IT sector, but also that IT certifications provide value to the individuals who have earned them.
In this article, we have decided to publish some points of the study that may be of interest to candidates of any IT certification. We hope that these points will help you in your decision making on your certification journey and we hope that the certifications you obtain will help you in your personal and career growth.
The biggest motivation for obtaining IT certification is keeping up with technological progress. Upskilling is therefore the biggest motivation overall for 73% of respondents. Interestingly, the increased need for technology caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has created a sense of urgency for acquiring IT skills and thus was a motivation for 30% of candidates to become certified.
Compared to last year. There has been a 16% increase in candidates tested. The report also points to an increase in the number of those who paid for the tests themselves, rather than their organizations paying for them. This has been attributed to the economic impact of the pandemic. For individuals, this may not be so encouraging, but it does mean that you get certified. Even if the organization won´t pay, the certification is still wort pursuing.
Although most candidates consider IT certification after they start their careers, the number of certifications achieved is piling up. The average number of certifications held by those under the age of 24 is four, while those over 55 have ten certifications. Of the candidates surveyed who earned their certification in 2020, 86% plan to pursue additional certifications.
There are even more reasons to get certified! You can download the entire study for free directly from the PearsonVUE website. If you are hesitant in your certification journey, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at edu@edutrainings.cz or by phone at +420 731 175 867. We are happy to help you navigate your way through the IT training and certification landscape. EDU Trainings is a Person VUE authorised testing center. For more information on testing. Please visit the link below.