6. 4. 2023
Passing the certification exams is an important part of your education and a prerequisite for the certifications you have trained for. However, there are differences in where and how you can take these exams. One option is to visit an official certification center. The other option is to take the exam in your own home. But be warned, the course of the exam may vary depending on the location you choose.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between testing at home and at a certification center to help you choose a location.
Identication and checking the room
If you are taking the exam from home, you must first of all go through the identification verification procedure. This is followed by an inspection of the room where you will be taking the exam. Both the identification and the room check are done through a camera, which you will have to show the whole room. This procedure can take around 10 minutes. The requirements for taking the exam at home are usually strict. It is not allowed to have another person in the room or any electronic device (mobile phone, laptop, tablet, other monitors).
In case you arrive at the certification center, our staff will do an identification with you, which is faster and easier than the online identification. After reading the rules and putting your personal belongings in a locker, you will enter a room that is set up for testing. You will sit down at a prepared computer and begin the test.
The test process
When taking the test at home, a proctor will join you after checking the room and will monitor the entire test. You must have the camera on in front of you at all times during the test, and for most tests you are not allowed to move from outside the camera.
We have a camera system in our test centre that meets all the requirements to ensure the correct running of the exam. Our cameras are not placed on monitors but in the corner of the room, so you will not be distracted during the exam. Some exams take a long time, so it is of course possible to go to the toilet.
Responding to problems
If any problems arise during the exam, there is always a person at our centre to help you resolve them.
According to test takers’ reactions, they feel considerably less stressed in the test centre than when they take the exam at home. They don’t have to think about whether they have met all the requirements of the exam, but they can fully concentrate on the topic they are taking the exam on. Participants at the test center also welcome the fact that they don’t have to have a camera on in front of them and can concentrate better.
Leave the stress of the exam at home and come to our test centre in Prague 4 – Nusle, where you take the exam in a customized room and you do not have to worry about anything else. We look forward to seeing you!