Digital minimalism: 5 tips on how to approach technology and minimise its negative impact

21. 3. 2024

March is book month and at EDU Trainings we decided to share a review of the book “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport. This book appealed to us because of its approach to how to properly set up a relationship with the technologies we introduce our customers to in our courses. Because we understand that time is a valuable resource, we decided to share a few tips from the book to bring you closer to its main ideas without having to read the whole thing.

Digital minimalism reminds us that less can be more. It’s about choosing technologies that truly contribute to our values and goals, and minimizing those that tend to hinder us. Think about how each app or website enriches your life, whether it’s in work, personal development or entertainment. Finding quality time outside of the digital world is key to mental wellbeing and focus. Schedule time for activities that truly fulfill you and give you joy. This can be anything from a walk in nature to exercise or creative activities. It’s important to avoid low-quality recreation, such as constantly checking social media, which tends to distract our attention.

Digital minimalism is not just about limiting our use of technology, but rather creating a balanced and meaningful relationship with it. It is a way to live a focused and happy life in a modern world full of distractions. While you don’t have to read the whole book, these tips can help you start thinking about how to better use technology to benefit your life.

  1. Focus on value: the basic idea of digital minimalism is to maximise value and minimise the unwanted effects of digital technology. Ask yourself: “Is this online medium or app aligned with my values and does it bring me real joy or benefit?”
  2. Optimize your tools: don’t overdo it with the amount of technology. Instead, look for the most effective tools that truly meet your needs. For example, instead of watching news from dozens of social media sources, try apps like Instapaper that allow you to consume content without distractions.
  3. Downtime for deep contemplation: Aristotle emphasized the importance of spending time with yourself and your thoughts. Think about your values, interests and goals outside of the digital world. Schedule regular downtime to give you time for deep contemplation and offer inner peace.
  4. Examine the value of technology: when using technology, ask yourself if it brings real benefit and joy. If not, try to minimize or even eliminate them from your life. Recognize that less is often more, and choose carefully what you give your time and attention to.
  5. Take up the challenge of digital cleaning: Take a 30-day digital cleanse to eliminate all non-essential technology from your life. Then focus on what’s really important and what brings you joy outside the digital world. Then gradually integrate the technologies into your life that truly contribute to your happiness and value goals.

These tips will help you establish a better relationship with technology and minimize its negative impact on your life without having to read the entire book “Digital Minimalism”. Stay tuned for our other articles and courses for more inspiration on how to use digital tools effectively in your personal and professional life.

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